9th HyMeX Workshop 21-25 September 2015, Mykonos, Greece

General information

The 9th HyMeX workshop will take place from 21 to 25 September 2015, in Mykonos Island, Greece. It will be organized by the National Observatory of Athens at Saint-John hotel.


The general objectives of the HyMeX workshops are to strengthen the links and knowledge exchange, as well as to foster collaborations within the HyMeX research community. The 9th HyMeX workshop will occur at midterm of the programme. It will be the opportunity to assess the achievements of the programme, both in terms of data collected and science results, against the original objectives of the HyMeX Science Plan (http://www.hymex.org/public/documents/HyMeX_Science_Plan.pdf). Running over 5 days, the programme will consist of plenary sessions with review solicited talks and Science Teams oral and poster sessions with an open call for contributions to present and discuss recent scientific progresses regarding the Mediterranean water cycle. Leer más de esta entrada


Organization: IUGG Commission on Geophysical Risk and Sustainability

Date and place: November 18-21, 2014, Madrid, Spain

Deadlines: October 15

Registration here!

The goal of the conference

We propose the theme of IMPROVING GEOPHYSICAL RISK ASSESSMENT, FORECASTING, AND MANAGEMENT as the main goal of the conference. What is the essential knowledge-based on Geophysical Risks that scientist, administrators, politicians, economists, emergency managers, citizens, require for sustainable development and for preparedness and emergency management in future crises? There is a growing need to combine natural risks forecasting and assessment techniques to improve the information that officials involved with early warning and management of crises require in order to answer efficiently when they face an emergency. Modern society is making a considerable effort to improve our knowledge of the dynamics of natural systems and their associated hazards, as well as on promoting technological development addressed to early warning and monitoring of natural disasters. However, the integration of scientific and technological achievements into products with a direct applicability to Society has not always been reached. Moreover, natural disasters have been treated separately not only for what concerns to their dynamics, but also with regard to their corresponding forecasting and assessing technologies, when most of them are common or show significant similarities. Therefore, it is easy to assume that a comparison between the scientific and technological research carried out on the different natural hazards, as well as a joint effort of the scientists and technologists who work on assessment and mitigation of natural disasters, would imply considerable social benefits. Consequently, accurate assessment and mitigation programmes, as well as the development of effective tools for management of crisis are necessary to reduce risk and to promote sustainable development.

The conference will analyse the state of the art of relevant aspects in geophysical risk assessment and management, such as modelling and monitoring of hazardous phenomena, hazard assessment methods, quantification of uncertainty in forecasting geophysical hazards, decision making models, communication protocols among the different stakeholders involved in managing geophysical risks, vulnerability assessment methodologies, or education about geophysical risk.

ALL INFORMATION: http://www.georisk2014.com/Home.html

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The role of different factors related to social impact of heavy rain events: considerations about the intensity thresholds in densely populated areas


In the assessment of social impact caused by meteorological events, factors of different nature need to be considered. Not only does hazard itself determine the impact that a severe weather event has on society, but also other features related to vulnerability and exposure.

The requests of data related to insurance claims received in Meteorological Services proved to be a good indicator of the social impact that a weather event causes, according to studies carried out by the Social Impact Research Group, created under the frame of the MEDEX project. Taking these requests as proxy data, diverse aspects connected to the impact of heavy rain events have been studied.

The rainfall intensity in conjunction with the population density has demonstrated to be one of the key factors in social impact studies. One of the conclusions we obtained is that various thresholds of rainfall should be applied for differently populated areas. In this study, the role of rainfall intensity has been analysed for a highly populated urban area like Barcelona. A period without significant population changes has been selected for the study to minimise the effects linked to vulnerability and exposure. First, correlations between rainfall recorded in different time intervals and requests have been carried out. Afterwards, a method to include the intensity factor in the social impact index has been suggested, based on return periods given by Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves.

Authors: L. Barbería, J. Amaro, M. Aran, and M. C. Llasat

LINK: www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci-discuss.net/2/459/2014/nhessd-2-459-2014.html